EarBoost is a smart software that trains your ear, helping you become a better musicianEar Training with EarBoost will lead you to play music by ear, improvise better, understand music more and improve your ear skills. By using EarBoost regularly your musical ear will improve allowing you to better play the music in your head. You will become more musical and be able to improvise with increased skill. With a good ear you will also be able to progress as a musican. EarBoost helps you achieve a consistent ear training program, with scoring to see progress. How Ear Training works - EarBoost works by training your ear to recognize the different musical intervals, chords and scales. For example a random interval will be played and you will be asked to try and identify it. With practice this skill will be enhanced, allowing you to improve you musical ability.8 out of 10Requirements:- sound cardLimitations:-15 days trial
EarBoost is a smart tool that uses a reliable technique to help you practice and improve your musical ear.